When I'm in a calorie deficit, I often feel less energetic and less motivated. On my worst days, I feel like a walking zombie that wants all the carbs and none of the lifts. Over the years, I've come up with a few things to help make it harder to skip the barbell when I'm just not feeling it. Hopefully you'll find these useful well.

- Take a nap! It's amazing what sleep can do for you. Honestly, if I had a choice of an hour workout with no nap prior, vs a half hour workout post nap, I'ld take the latter. Why? I know I'll get more out of it if I've had even just half an hour to recharge.
- Open the blinds and blast your favorite tunes. When was the last time you saw sunlight today? Throw open the blinds, and let the sun re-energize you. Not quite there yet? Blast your favorite tunes as well. Sound plus light stimulation will boost your adrenaline levels enough to hopefully get you moving.
- Watch some YouTube motivation. When was the last time you watched someone squat 500 lbs and just thought "Meh, whatever." Never, right? It motivates me so much to see others work hard.
- If the above suggestions fail you, take some pre-workout with caffeine and beta alanine in it. If you're amped and tingly, it'll be kinda hard not to put it to good use.
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Sarah Wagner - Gravitus profile
Sarah handles all things marketing for Gravitus. An avid baker, she enjoys developing macro friendly recipes. She's been lifting heavy since 2013, and loves the barbell like she loves cute puppies.