Essential Health and Fitness Apps For Lifters

By Bryan Alger on March 5, 2016

There are tons of health and fitness apps available on iOS and Android, but how do you choose which ones to use to help you meet your goals? Lifters have unique needs, we need apps that track our workouts at the gym, help us record our cardio activity and keep us on target to hit the macros of our nutrition plans. We put together this short guide to highlight the three best free workout apps.

Best weightligting app

As lifters, the most important tool in our arsenal after barbells and iron plates is our workout log. What started on pen and paper evolved to excel spreadsheets and finally Gravitus. We built Gravitus to be the best workout tracker app for lifters of all levels. Beginners to the gym benefit the most from our exercise tips and videos while all lifters enjoy the social and competitive features built into this free app. If you already track your workouts with another tool, you know how valuable that data is to keep you progressing in the gym and you'll appreciate how easy and fast it is to log your workouts in Gravitus and interact with your friends. If you're just starting to log your workouts, you'll get greater motivation, accountability and ultimately strength gains by using Gravitus to track your progress in the gym.

Check out my workouts on Gravitus

Best cardio tracking app

While you can include cardio activities in your workouts on Gravitus, we still prefer to use a more targeted app for our dedicated runs and bike rides. There are a lot of running apps on the marketplace, but our personal favorite is Strava. If you like the competitive and social features of Gravitus, you'll feel right at home on Strava where you can share your routes with your friends, compete with the larger community to be segment leader and get detailed analysis of all of your efforts.

Follow me on Strava

Best nutrition tracking app

Finally, no lifting app roundup would be complete without talking about nutrition. Sure all of the fun is in the gym, but there's even more hard work being done every day behind the scenes in the kitchen. If you're serious about lifting, you have at least some guidelines for your diet and depending on how disciplined you are, you might benefit greatly from a tool that helps you track your calorie and macro intake like MyFitnessPal. There are more targeted nutrition apps out there for lifters, but MyFitnessPal is still the community leader and that's why we recommend it.

View my nutrition log


We hope you enjoy this roundup of the best free workout apps for lifters. There are tons of health and fitness apps available on the marketplace, but we widdled it down to these apps that embody our passion for community and competition. These are the apps we use daily to track our performance and help achieve our personal fitness goals. Leave us a comment below and let us know how you've integrated these apps into your own fitness journey!

Gravitus workout screen and watch app
Gravitus screenshot showing tracking functionality
Gravitus screenshot showing social features
Gravitus screenshot showing charts functionality
Gravitus screenshot showing additional analytics
Gravitus screenshot showing leaderboards and workouts treaks
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Photo of Bryan Alger
Bryan Alger - Gravitus profile

Bryan is the Co-Founder of Gravitus and also a Marine Corps veteran and seasoned engineer. The only thing Bryan likes more than hacking code is pumping iron.