5 Tips to Make Workouts a Habit

By Sarah Wagner on April 29, 2016

We all do it. Even the best intentioned folks slip up and don’t make it to the gym as much as they’d like from time to time. Getting back into the swing of things is always the hardest, but here are some tips we’ve found helpful for ourselves.

Chalky Barbell
  1. Ask yourself why you stopped: Are you bored? Did you get burned out? Find a gym partner to keep you consistent, get a day pass for a new gym for a change of scenery, or switch up your accessory lifts to make your time at the gym more interesting.
  2. Evaluate how you feel: Low energy, or feeling bloated and sluggish after meals? Maybe your calories aren’t on point. Try revamping your diet to fit your activity level, and you should perk back up. This isn’t a one time thing, though. Keep re-evaluating your diet as you get back into a groove at the gym, as that will change your caloric needs.

    Spinach Salad

  3. Give yourself an incentive: Is there a wedding coming up where you want to look your best? What about those long days at the beach just around the corner? Imagine a healthier version of yourself at an upcoming event, and let it motivate you to stick to it.
  4. Build a support system: Surround yourself with friends who support you as you commit to spending more time at the gym, not ones who discourage it. This will help you want to stick to it in the long run.
  5. Make it part of your schedule: Did your gym going habit fall to the wayside when life got crazy recently? Step back and figure out how to fit fitness back in your life as it is now. Pencil in gym time based on your new schedule, not your old one.

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Photo of Sarah Wagner
Sarah Wagner - Gravitus profile

Sarah handles all things marketing for Gravitus. An avid baker, she enjoys developing macro friendly recipes. She's been lifting heavy since 2013, and loves the barbell like she loves cute puppies.