Macro Calculator For Lifters

Experienced lifters know that the hours spent in the gym are only half the battle. There is a lot of truth to the adage "abs are made in the kitchen." Whether your goal is to get ripped and shred fat, maintain your current body composition, or if you're trying to gain weight and pack on muscle, use our calculator to compute your macros.

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Many people overestimate their activity level in basic mode and end up consuming too many calories. Advanced mode is more accurate for trained individuals, but you should have an accurate bodyfat estimate to use this mode effectively.

Percent Bodyfat
Activity Level

Fill out the average hours per week you spend performing:

  • Low Intensity exercise (you can hold a conversation and do not break a sweat).

  • Medium Intensity exercise (breathing hard, conversation is difficult, probably sweating).

  • High Intensity exercise (elevated heart rate, sweating and cannot hold a conversation).
Activity Level
Nutrition Goal

Weekly Weight Change

How much weight do you want to gain or lose each week? A positive number indicates a weight gain whereas a negative will value will target a weight loss.

Target Macros

Set your target macronutrient ratios as a percentage of your daily caloric intake.

Target macros must add up to 100



Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is the amount of energy in calories your body requires to function at complete rest.


Your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is the estimated amount of energy in calories your body consumes in a day while taking into account your activity level. More active individuals will burn more calories per day than more sedentary people.

Target Caloric Intake

This is the daily calorie intake required to achieve your target weight change.


Protein intake is of vital importance to lifters to gain muscle mass while bulking, or to retain muscle mass during a cut. We recommend 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. High protein intake is especially important during a slow cut to retain muscle mass so we chose this as a solid baseline that will fit a wide range of diets for most lifters.


Fat is an indispensable macronutrient, even during a cut. We recommend you get 25-30% of your daily calories from fat while cutting to keep hormone levels normal and aid the absorption of vitamins and nutrients in your diet.


Carbs are the new bad guy in the diet world. From Atkins to Keto, it's very popular to cut weight by cutting carbs these days. As a lifter, it's important to get enough carbohydrates in your diet to keep your muscles stocked with glycogen so that you have high energy levels for your workouts. If you're losing weight on our plan, you might find that your carb intake is too low to maintain for weeks at a time. If you find your workouts begin to suffer as a result, you should periodically add planned refeed days into your nutrition plan.


This calculator is only an estimation and should be treated as such. Consult a physician before beginning any training or nutrition program. Every individual is different, you should monitor your weight and adjust the settings above to meet your needs if you find that you are not gaining or losing weight at the expected rate.


This calculator uses the Mifflin-St Jeor Equation to calculate BMR in basic mode which is our current best estimation for the general population according to research.

In advanced mode, we use the Katch-McArdle equation which is considered the most accurate formula for individuals who are relatively lean.

TDEE and Activity Level

In basic mode, we use the Harris–Benedict equation to calculate your TDEE based on your activity level. This is the most common TDEE calculator in use and is very simple. Your TDEE in this calculation should be treated as an estimation since the opportunity for error exists when reporting your activity level, and of course your true activity factor might lie in between different levels. If after two weeks of following your diet you notice that your weight loss is faster or slower than expected, first adjust your activity factor and then recompute your TDEE and macros.

The basic TDEE calculation suffers from several problems:

  • Individuals tend to over estimate their activity levels
  • The five default activity levels do not allow for the fidelity of custimaztion like our advanced calculator.

Thus, in advanced mode we use Alan Aragon's TDEE equation which allows far more customization based on your weekly activity levels, but tends to underestimate metabolic needs for sedentary individuals. For this reason, we recommend advanced mode for trained or active people and basic mode for the general population.

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